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Tuesday September 14

8:45 am | Opening number

8:45 am | Opening number

Produced in collaboration with the Théâtre Parminou and Les Productions 4 Éléments.

9:20 am | Opening

9:20 am | Conference: Societal changes after socioeconomic crises

A conference aimed at positioning major societal changes after socioeconomic crises.

Speaker : 

Mia Homsy, President and CEO of the Institut du Québec

*Simultaneous translation in English

8:45 am | Opening number

10 am | INSPIRATION conference: Collaborative economy

The collaborative economy is defined by a new mode of consumption that allows consumers to share the use of certain products and services. Isn't this the foundations of cooperation?  

Speakers : 

Domenico Di Siena , member, administrator and community leader of

Dardan Isufi , operational conductor and co-founder of the EVA cooperative


*Simultaneous translation in English

8:45 am | Opening number

11:15 am | INSPIRATION discussion tables

Participate in one of the discussion tables which will present promising initiatives or projects created by cooperatives and mutuals and which propose innovative avenues for growing businesses or responding to a challenge. Find out more


8:45 am | Opening number

12:15 pm | Lunch conference

The alliance between SSQ Insurance and La Capitale creates the largest mutual in Canada. Discover the strength of the mutualist business model.

Hosted by:
Marie-Josée Paquette , Director General of the Conseil québécois de la coopération et de la mutualité


Speakers : 

Jean St-Gelais, Chairman of the Board of Directors of BENEVA

Jean-François Chalifoux, President and Chief Executive Officer of BENEVA

* Simultaneous translation in English

8:45 am | Opening number

1:30 p.m. | Défi Propulsion Desjardins*

Take part in the development and growth of cooperative businesses and vote for your favorite project. This event is organized in partnership with Desjardins, the Fondation pour l'éducation à la coopération et à la mutualité and La Ruche. Find out more .


* Simultaneous translation in English

8:45 am | Opening number

3 p.m. | COOP Effect round table: Impacts and benefits of co-ops

The COOP Effect round table presents the impacts and spin-offs that cooperatives have on the Quebec economy and on communities.


Speakers : 

Émilien Roscanu, Interim Director General of La Guilde du jeu vidéo du Québec

Jean Nolet, Managing Director of Coop Carbone and representative of Coop Agri-Énergie Warwick

Karine Awashish, co-founder and worker member of Coop Nitaskinan

Issiaka Sanou, Managing Director of La Coopérative Les Serres du Dos Blanc

*Simultaneous translation in English

8:45 am | Opening number

3 p.m. | New digital trends

Discover new trends that will allow you to continue or initiate the digital transformation of your business.


Hosted by :
Natalie Quirion, president and founder of Opportuna Conseil


Speakers : 

Luc Sirois, Quebec's Chief Innovation Officer, Conseil de l'Innovation

Bruno Éthier, director of the digital transition of Coopérative de développement régional du Québec

Sébastien Cordeau, Managing Director of Coopérative horticole Groupex


*Simultaneous translation in English

8:45 am | Opening number

4 p.m. | Conference: Business acquisition*

While the number of entrepreneurs who sell their business is growing rapidly, the cooperative movement must know how to seize the opportunities that arise in order to accelerate its development and consolidate its strategic positioning. What is the portrait of the market, how to implement a strategic business acquisition plan, what are the challenges and obstacles. These are questions that will be addressed by Pascal Moffet, CPA, CA, EEE, and Alain Fortier, partners at Mallette, with a panel of executives who have experienced such an approach.

Hosted by:
Alain Fortier, certification partner at Mallette
Pascal Moffet, certification partner at Mallette

Speakers :

Alain Leclerc, Director General of the Fédération des coopératives funéraires du Québec


Wednesday September 15th

8:45 am | Opening number

9 am | AWARENESS Conference: Organizational challenges

How do cooperatives and mutuals, by their structure, manage crises and overcome the challenges of their organizations?

Speakers :

Guy Cormier, President and Chief Executive Officer of Desjardins

Geneviève Fortier, Chief Executive Officer of Promutuel Assurance

Pascal Houle, Chief Executive Officer of Sollio Groupe Coopératif

*Simultaneous translation in English

9:20 am | Opening

10:30 am | Discussion tables AWARENESS

Participate in one of the 6 discussion tables which will present promising initiatives or projects created by cooperatives and mutuals and which propose innovative avenues for growing businesses or responding to a challenge. Find out more

8:45 am | Opening number

11:30 am | Mobilization Conference: For a Better Quebec

How does the cooperative business model and cooperation as a whole contribute to building more just and equitable societies that reflect our values? Learn more

Speakers :  

Stéphane Lavallée , Managing Director of Les coops de l'Information

Benoît Sirard , Chairman and Chief Executive Officer | Domaine Château Bromont | Founding member of Ôrigine artisans hôteliers

Éric Larouche, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Coopérative de Transport Régional du Québec TREQ


*Simultaneous translation in English

8:45 am | Opening number

12:30 p.m. | Closing ceremony

Do not miss the Cooperative Symphony resulting from a request formulated by the representatives of the Mondragon group, the musical piece Humanity at Music has been translated from Basque into French and will be revealed to you.


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